Saturday, July 14, 2012

Air pollution

There are many causes of air pollution, as stated in the textbook.and they are the following, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, industries, motor vehicles and construction work. They are all being explained in the textbook and we would like to shift our focus on the motor vehicles part. Yes, indeed the Motor vehicles produced carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides which pollutes the air. And thanks to chemistry, we all know that the formula of carbon monoxide is actually CO(1 carbon atom, 1 oxygen atom). Well, in physics, we learn that since carbon dioxide is CO2, all we just need to do is to force one oxygen atom into each molecule. I can't really remember what the technology appliance is called but some places in the world uses it. This way, as carbon dioxide is not as harmful as carbon monoxide, we believe that it can be a possible response.

My answers to Page 81 of the Textbook

1. The B-777-200LR had an extended range by more than 2775 kilometers compared to the other planes in the 777 family. It allows for non-stop services between cities. It can carry up to 301 passengers up to 17466 kilometers. 2. The advantages is that it is faster and can transport more people at a time, thus leading to fewer flights needed to transport a certain amount of people. Some disadvantages is that some airlines company may not be able to afford it as it may be costly, due to its title as the world's longest-range commercial plane. Done by Jessica Lee